Restrict Content Pro & Drip integration

I was looking to integrate Drip into the registration flow of a site recently. The site uses Restrict Content Pro to do membership levels and recurring billing. The site is also using Drip for its email campaigns.

To use the following snippet, you will need to get your API token from the site. This can be found on your user page. That the API uses tokens that are issued on a per-user, rather than a per-account basis is a bit strange, but there you go.

You will also need a copy of the Drip’s official PHP API class. The following code either creates or updates a user at Drip as they successfully register on your site. Their membership category is added to their Drip profile as a tag, to facilitate segmentation, and their first and last name are also captured (these are standard WP_User class properties, RCP_Member extends this).


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